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Duncan AR. Everyone needs hope...and I study it. Tulsa World. November 22, 2018.

Duncan AR. The secret to our greatness? It might be humility. Tulsa World. September 5, 2019.

Duncan AR. Point of View: Be adaptable during gradual return to business. The Oklahoman. April 26, 2020.

Duncan AR. Amid the stress of a pandemic, remember, the first step to being understood is striving to understand others. Tulsa World. May 30, 2020.

Duncan AR. What I learned about the fundamentals of leadership from Dr. Tess. Tulsa World. November 21, 2020.

Duncan AR. Better patient health care takes in the big picture. Albuquerque Journal. January 2, 2023.


Duncan AR, Martinez C, and Santiago S. Increase in Medicaid payments is warranted. Santa Fe New Mexican. February 1, 2023.


Bowen W and Duncan AR. There's some hope for those waiting for medical care. Santa Fe New Mexican. June 4, 2023.


Martinez C and Duncan AR. Walk with a Doc. Santa Fe New Mexican. August 13, 2023.

Duncan AR, Lamartine N, and Tipton E. Why We All Need Psychological Safety. Op-Med. February 22, 2024.

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